The DUF aims
- To provide opportunities for members to exchange experiences and views on all aspects of planning, deploying, operating and using Dimetra systems, so that members can benefit from shared insights; to facilitate a constructive dialogue at senior engineer level among members and Motorola on customer requirements, market developments and future product strategies;
- To enable members to effectively identify and prioritise requirements of high mutual importance and to communicate clear priorities to Motorola to influence the direction of improvements and future product development
- To encourage members to work together to resolve issues of concern and to develop effective methodologies for both problem solving and planning system solutions.

How it operates
The Dimetra User Forum has regular two-day meetings, twice a year. One is usually held online only and the other being a hybrid of online and face-to-face, which is normally scheduled around the same time as the CCW conference.
The agenda features discussions, presentations, demonstrations and wherever possible customer / end user visits. The meetings also provides updates on the progress of the DUF Working Groups. These Working Groups are established by the forum members, or a subset of them, to discuss in detail and/or with additional member delegates those areas that deserve more analysis or greater attention. Currently Working Groups exist for a number of areas around network operations, management and spectrum optimisation. There are informal ties with the Public Safety Radiocommunication Group (PSRG), ETSI, the TETRA & Critical Communications Association and the AIRBUS User Forum.